
Time for some updates!

...because I'm a slacker.

So, I've been putting off doing a blog post because I couldn't think of anything clever to write.  Then I figured out that maybe I should just write something to let you guys know that I'm not dead.

Things that have been happening!  O so much!

Uh, Tyler has a job.  Because he's a champ like that (suck it, economy!).

O yeah, he's that awesome.

I was back to waitressing all summer.  Ah, the joys of making complete strangers happy and the frustration of complete strangers with power over you being condescending, power-mad jerks.  Interesting times were had, folks.  I caught people dropping their own hair onto their plates so we would comp the food over the "mystery" hair, endured creepy dudes calling me "Sugar" and "Sweetheart" (don't.  do.  that.), and was invited to join an open-relationship three-way (..................no).


Anyway, that job is over because of the next thing.

I am starting law school.  Next Monday is orientation for a week, then classes starting the next week.  I have been buying books (ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THOSE PRICES), and checking out public transportation for school, and figuring out school supplies (what school supplies do you bring to grad school?  I have pens and notebooks and legal pads.  I also have a strong craving for some sort of themed lunch box.  I have a problem).

An awesome problem in which I love school.

We are living with a friend now (Adam, you are the best of humans), adding to the family and friends who, for God knows what reason, have agreed for various stretches of time to take on two wildly strange roommates.  And their dog.  She's like a tiny, furry kraken.  Unless she's tired.  Then she's an adorable furry kraken.

Adorable, yet intimidating.  Like a de-fanged Spike.  Minus the Hawaiian shirt.

Anyhow, that's our life right now.  Huzzah for updates!  Hope things are beautiful for all of you.  And prepare yourselves for a lot of crazed law-student posts.

1 comment:

  1. Calli, I'm so glad you're not dead! Excited for your new adventures in law school. Please keep the posts rolling, and um.... any chance you'll be visiting the Pacific Northwest anytime soon!?!? If not, we might just have to come visit you or something.
