
Chosen one...

...seems to be pretty common, considering it's in Harry Potter, Star Wars, the matrix, the terminator, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

This one's about Buffy, though.

So, I've been finding in the past few years that my entire childhood/high school life was woefully lacking in some pretty awesome pop culture stuff.  I didn't read Harry Potter until my junior year of college.  I was completely unaware of the existence of both Arrested Development and Firefly until they were already off the air.

I know.
But I am coming to realize it is also tragic that I missed the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer train.  I've been watching it lately, mainly because Firefly was a perfect storm of beautiful Whedon-ism so I now want to see pretty much everything he has ever made.  I'm a little ways into season two, and my feelings have proceeded thusly:


Confused fear


Love for how adorable Willow is (seriously, I love her)

Smugly thinking I know what's happening with the plot

Being proven wrong in the most nightmare-inducing way possible

Coming to adore Spike for his fabulous snarkiness (this show has excellent levels of snark)

This show just gives me so many feelings.  I love the characters and I love that Whedon is intelligent enough that none of his characters are flat.  They all have depth to them and character development.  None of them is a static stereotype and I just adore that.  I also love that Whedon is not even remotely afraid of having strong, awesome, kick-ass and lovable female characters.  Rather, he completely embraces that women can be complex and dynamic and don't have to be consigned to bitchy girl or hot girl.  They have personalities and stories and are wonderful.

Basically what I'm saying is that you should all watch this.  It's wonderful.  Off to be happy and terrified and heartbroken and watch some more.