
leaving on a jet plane...

...guess I'll be back again eventually.

Whelp, this is it.  The big leap.  The great adventure.  The realm of terror.  In just days. I get on a plane, fly for several hours while my husband tries to slip me sleeping pills to knock me out, and arrive bleary-eyed and, assumedly, extremely confused in China.  It's going to be awesome.  And exciting.

And I honestly can't tell if the feeling I am feeling is abject fear or manic excitement.

Knowing me and my life, it's probably going to be a combination of both.

We are off.  To teach English for a year and learn...just a lot.  About the world.  About life.  About ourselves.  It's all happening.  For real.  This is not a drill.

I will miss so much, including many of you, but I head off into adventure and turmoil, hopefully much of it to be relayed here.

I wish you luck in all of your adventures and I will update life when I get to China.