
An Ode to Fall...

...of course, written right as it is ending.

I have been such a blogging slacker.  To anyone out there that actually reads this thing, I am sorry for failing at updates.

Lately, I have been waking up to frost and cold and a world slightly more white than it was when I went to sleep.  This whiteness generally fades by the time I am out of work, but it is still heralding the imminent end of my favorite season.  So I thought I would take this opportunity to celebrate the many, many things I love about the best season there is:  fall.  Or, you know, autumn if you're fancy.

 Whatever you want to call it, it's awesome.

I freaking love fall.  Always have.  Always.  Even when I was a little kid and everyone talked about how summer was just the best ever, I liked fall.  Yeah, I know it is back-to-school season, but I liked school.  I'm a nerd.  Sue me.  Every other season seemed more popular to the people around me.  It was unfair.  The minority of kids that didn't list summer as the favorite were either ski bums who loved winter and its frigidness with a strange intensity or girls who loved spring because it had flowers.  And the beginning of skirt-wearing season.

You know, I'm just switching to list-form.  You knew it was coming.

Reasons why fall is amazing:

The weather turns colder.  I know that lots of people don't like this about fall, but I love it.  I'm not a fan of hot weather.  Aside from my alarming propensity towards dehydration and heatstroke, I don't like stepping outside and instantly sweating.  I hate the swarms of bugs.  Even when I am perfectly content and secure with my body, I maintain that swimsuits kind of suck, as does the rest of the scant and skimpy summer wardrobe.  I am a blindingly pale Montana girl, used to cold weather and jeans and I don't like changing that.  Most of the things I like about summer are also present in fall.  I can still hike in the fall.  I can still hang out outside in the fall.  Bonfires are even better in the fall.  It gets cold.  And I love it.

This is way better when you are freezing.

School starts again.  I love school.  Love it.  I get periodically depressed that I am not still in school.  I freaked out about starting new classes, getting to write papers and do research projects, buying new notebooks and filling them with notes and doodles, and actually seeing people again.  I am not socially gifted (shocking, I know) and school was the easiest social time ever for me.  I was guaranteed to see people I liked and got along with.  I saw jerks too, but I was very good at hiding so I was just fine.

I was neither seen nor heard.

A veritable myriad of pumpkin, squash, and apple-related foods.  I freak out a bit about these flavors.  And by a bit, I mean a lot.  I would eat them all the time if possible, but they are magical in fall.

These things are delicious.

Cold weather clothing.  My entire wardrobe pretty much consists of jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and scarves.  Fall is the best season ever for this.  When you layer up in fall, people think you are stylish instead of crazy.  It is wonderful.

Fall is beautiful.  There is no season with better colors than fall.  None.  Summer, while pretty, is overwhelmingly green.  Spring is the color of mud and depression where I come from.  Winter is white.  And grey.  Fall is like an explosion of oranges, reds, yellows and greens, so intense they almost make your eyes hurt.  Everything is beautiful and crisp and perfect.

 Proof part 2.

You know, I really don't have any sort of a good wrap up.  I like fall.  I wish it would last a bit longer.  But Pullman is fickle and says "hell no" to any of my requests.

To all of you, I wish you an eternal autumn.  In your hearts, if nowhere else.