
Hugh Laurie is the eternal rocker of my world.

For those of you not given to the Laurie fever, let me give you a short list of reasons why you should be.
1)  The man is a comic genius.  Seriously.  I know he plays tons of side characters, but he plays them enormously well.  Also, he wrote and starred in two very British comedy shows, "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" and "Jeeves and Wooster".  Both are brilliantly, well, British.  In the very best possible sense.
2)  House.  The man is House.  Yes, I know lots of people don't particularly like the show, think Dr. House is an ass, all of that.  However, you absolutely cannot deny that the man can act.  And for those of us that like the occasional dose of evil, sarcastic, aggressively anti-social humour, House is a wonderful chance to indulge ourselves.
3)  The man is so good at his American accent for the show that tons of people don't even know he's British!  INCLUDING THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER FOR THE SHOW!!!  No, seriously.  He called him just the kind of compelling American actor he had been looking for.  I bet the rest of that conversation was interesting.
4)  He plays like five instruments.  Seriously.  And apparently he is soon coming out with a blues/jazz album. 
5)  He is charming.  Wait, just to me?  Really?  Moving on.

The last and most important reason to love the man is that he has written quite possibly the funniest book I have ever read.  And I have read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which many apparently look to as the king book of random and strange humor.  This beats it.  No, really.

Hugh Laurie's book, The Gun Seller, is a wonderful spoof on spy thriller-type books.  It is engaging and entertaining and made me want to keep reading, leading to many a groggy morning in the ol' dental office.  In an attempt to convince you to read it, and an attempt to repeat things that made me laugh earlier, I will now give you snippets of the book.

"Swallows flitted here and there, darting in and out of the trees and bushes like furtive homosexuals, while the furtive homosexuals flitted here and there, pretty much like swallows."

"Rayner was uglier than a car park, with a big, hairless skull that dipped and bulged like a balloon full of spanners, and his flattened, fighter's nose, apparently drawn on his face by someone using their left hand, or perhaps even their left foot, spread out in a meandering, lopsided delta under the rough slab of his forehead.  And God Almighty, what a forehead.  Bricks, knives, bottles and reasoned arguments had, in their time, bounced harmlessly off this massive frontal plane."

"When the bar had cleared, I leant across to the fat man and gave him a speech.  It was a dull speech, but even so, he listened very carefully, because I'd reached under the table and taken hold of his scrotum."

Look, all I am trying to say, really, is that you should read this book.  Really.  As in, immediately.  Or sooner.  It is magical and has made me actually laugh out loud.  And I am not generally a laugh-out-louder to books.

There you go.  Read the book.  Grow in your Laurie love.  Enjoy.

Off to do work.

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